How long will it take for me to see the results of a breast reduction?

Published: 04/03/2024

How long will it take for me to see the results of a breast reduction?

Written by: MS ANNA DE LEO

Top Doctors recently had the pleasure of speaking with renowned consultant plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon, Ms Anna De Leo. Here, Ms De Leo tells us all we need to know about breast reduction surgery.

What typically happens in a hospital setting after a breast reduction?

The surgery can typically last anywhere between two to three hours, and afterwards, the patients stay in a recovery ward with a designated nurse. The patients can immediately notice the difference in their breast size following breast reduction surgery. Patients will be encouraged to get up and about following an initial short recovery period, and the next day they will be discharged.

Who should consider a breast reduction?

People who feel uncomfortable about their breast size are ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery.

What are the associated risks and benefits?

Just like any surgery, there are always surgical risks such as bleeding, infection, and scarring. This is no different with breast reduction surgery. The main benefits include patients immediately feeling more comfortable with their breasts, patients noticing that they can move better in general, and exercise better and more effectively.

Is breast reduction surgery a painful procedure?

Pain after breast reduction surgery can vary. The anaesthesia that we use numbs the breasts so it is normal for patients to experience a bit of discomfort and tension in the breasts after surgery. I always suggest a six-week recovery period for all of my patients, so they should not exercise during these six weeks.

How long will it take for me to see the results of a breast reduction?

The morning after the surgery, I take all of the dressing off the patient. Patients wear a bra under light tape when the dressing is removed. It takes around one year for patients to see the full results of their breast reduction. This is when all of the scarring from the surgery will have completely faded.

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